103 Eagle Lake Loop ROAD, Winter Haven, FL 33884
The property you are viewing is comprised of four individual parcels all being sold together. Also see MLS B4901531. This property has two parcels with single family homes on it , two vacant parcels, and easement parcel. The two single family homes are both concrete block built, 2 bedrooms and 1 bath room The entire sale parcel is almost 1 acre. These parcels are zoned RL 3 but have the potential to have a future land use zoning change. The corner lot sits across from a commercial store. Located on the corner of Eagle Lake Loop and Rifle Range road this area is rapidly growing with both residential and commercial opportunities. Property location has great opportunities for potential land use change based on surrounding parcels.
Stellar MLS Listing Number: B4901530
103 Eagle Lake Loop ROAD, Winter Haven, FL 33884
840 Sq.ft · 2 Bedrooms · 1 Full Bathrooms